The Art of Listening

Weekly workshop: “The Art of Listening”

For anyone who has healthy ears, listening is something obvious, that everyone can do. But there is a substantial difference between “hearing“ and “listening“. Listening is actually an authentic art, and if it is practiced, it can greatly enrich our being in the world. Not infrequently even professional musicians are not really used to listening to what they are performing, in the sense of perceiving the occurrence of sounds in the global space-time continuum. In this weekly workshop (one can join at any time ) we want to encourage sensitive, active, and deep listening. Starting from the ideas of artists and researches such as John Cage, Pauline Oliveros, Francisco López, and others (acoustic ecology), participants are introduced to listening to sound and silence, to the sonic landscapes that surround us in daily life (sound walks are also planned). The participants will discover the conscious, mindful, and creative listening of art music and its profound wisdom messages. The listener is not a passive recipient, but a creator!