This sound-collage is an attempt to evocate the “Stimmung” of Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Prioria, his house in Gardone di Riviera (Villa Cargnacco), that was the major work of his late years, and in a certain sense of his life: a syncretistic “Gesamtkunstwerk”, an assemblage of (found) objects, images, musical instruments, books etc. A real “Theater of […]


flusso sonoro totalsistemico ecopoetico / sonic flux totalsystemic ecopoetic index LITANIA / LITANY [0.00’00’’] CERVI / DEERS [0.06’26’’] IL CAMMINO DELL’ACQUA / THE WALK OF THE WATER [0.09’45’’] API / BEES [0.12’00’’] PIETRE (enclave celtica) / STONES (Celtic enclave) [0.17’09’’] RENANIA / RHINELAND [0.19’52’’] CAPPELLO COME TEATRO / HAT AS THEATER [0.20’21’’] NIDO / NEST […]

ASNAMUS (Hommage to Sergei Parajanov)

The magic of collage. Great surrealistic polyphonies (almost kitsch and almost sacred), beyond traditional logic. Sergei Parajanov besides Kurt Schwitters, Giuseppe Zevola, Pierre Schaeffer and other eccentricities. Étrangeté…

sehr traurige „Amusik” (Tonkunst), ein klingende[s] SCHWITTERS [excerpt]

„very sad ‚amusic‘ (sound art), a sounding SCHWITTERS“ This is a quotation from a letter of Nam June Paik to Dr. Steinecke (8th December 1958). Paik tried to do music (or better: ‚amusic‘) in the spirit of Kurt Schwitters. Perhaps Schwitter’s “Merzkunst” is sometimes melancholic, but never really sad, however, it never lacks of playfulness. […]

AKASHA (klang-raum Terterian)

A “sound space”; an installation. A slow, very slow flow of sound events. Otherworldly temporalities. (It could always already commenced, and could continue forever). A hommage to the homo cosmicus Avet Terterian.

ANDROGINO. Sound install’Action for ancient places (excerpt)

A sound event that evokes memories, from a very distant past as well as from a remote future… The archaic present. What connects us, is the remembering of the Origin – of the continuum, to whom we belong. Remembering is to recognize the archetypes of reality. The sound of the “Androgynous“ (reconciliation of the opposites) […]