Gerard Pape, MusiPoeSci. Écrits autour de la musique, with partecipation od Leopoldo Siano / MusiPoeSci. Writings about music, edited by Leopoldo Siano, Éditions Michel de Maule: Paris 2014. Languages: English, French

What is MusiPoeSci? The composer, Gerard Pape, finds that the composer cannot pretend to be a scientist, but that, like Varese, he can find inspiration in the sciences for his musical poetry on the condition that he is not fooled by such notions as “scientific progress” or that he takes technological advances as his main goal. In this book, we find an interview with Pape, fifteen of his texts and four analyses of his music. MUSIPOESCI plunges us into the unique and original universe of this iconoclastic composer.

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