Every single tone is a cosmos in itself. Paradoxically, each tone contains an infinite number of other tones. Not everyone is aware of the inner life of sound. Only through the art of listening to a long sustained fundamental tone, one begins to perceive crystalline tones, the so-called “overtones” or harmonics. Through the own voice they can become audible and tangible. One discovers the inner world of sound as embodiment of a universal law of all vibrations. And so, one starts to hear overtones not only in the own voice, but everywhere in the acoustic environment. The knowledge of the overtone series is probably that old like making music. However, overtones are also for professional musicians usually only a theoretical matter of acoustics. In this workshop, in a meditative atmosphere, learning simple vocal techniques, one will experience the wonders of the overtone series through the own body in the space. Overtone singing is not about the virtuosity of singing, but of listening. No prior musical knowledge is required.
All our workshops are open to everybody, not only to musicians.
For more informations about our workshops please contact us via email: theatrumphonosophicum@gmail.com
and stay informed about our announcements on our social networks as well as on our website: https://theatrumphonosophicum.art/
Workshops, ‘sound walks’, journeys and lectures can be booked in English, German, Italian, French or Russian